theater company

3° European Young Theatre

From 1 to 11 July, as part of the 58th Edition Festival dei 2 Mondi in Spoleto, more than 50 young actors and directors of major European theatre schools will converge at the Teatrino delle 6 for 3rd Edition of the European Young Theatre, a Festival dedicated to new creativity. Everyday actors and directors of the various Schools will take turns presenting [...]

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La Storia del Brigante Bergamasco Pacì Paciana

Sunday, May 31 at 17 at the Auditorium Loreto, former District 2, Largo Roentgen in Bergamo, the masks of Rataplam – and the company "Harlequin Bergamasco Folk Folk" bring the folk tradition of Bergamo with the show "Pacì Paciana, the Robin Hood of the Brembana Valley". A project born between two important cultural realities of Bergamo who wish to continue their [...]

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