
Traditional Flower Festival in Genzano 2015

As is the case for more than two centuries, this year in Genzano (RM) Traditional Flower Festival is held. From 13 to 15 June, an immense floral carpet will stretch, divided into various paintings, for about 2000 square meters on the central Via Italo Belardi (formerly Via Livia). For the making of paintings, painted on the pavement, we need, in addition to plants, at least [...]

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Marcellino Band alla Festa di Nostra Signora di Fatima

On 29 may from 19.30, Aranova (RM), Marcelino Band will perform as part of the festivities of our Lady of Fatima. Following are the full range of all holiday which runs from May 13 to 31 May 2015 98 13 anniversary of the Wednesday schedule first appeared to the Shepherd children (1917-2015) 20 anniversary of [...]

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